Before Choosing A Weight Loss Program Ask The Following Questions…

- Will I see a Medical Doctor at each visit?
You should only be treated at a facility that provides a medical doctor trained in weight loss (Bariatrics). Many offices hire part time doctors or nurse practitioners to see all new patients on certain days of the week and the patient is never seen by that physician or any other physician in the course of their treatment. Beware facilities that hire nurse practitioners or sales associates who work from a script given to them by non-medical entrepreneurs out to make a quick buck. Often sales associates will answer the phone with a catchy phrase or jingle they have been instructed to say each time they answer the phone.
Lately, many physicians have experienced decreased revenue in their practices due to decreased insurance reimbursement. Often these physicians have “jumped into” the weight loss arena solely to supplement the income of their failing primary practice.
- How long has the physician been treating overweight problems?
Dr. Johnson’s medical weight loss practice was founded in 1997 and is the area’s oldest and most successful medical weight loss practice.
- Does the physician treat overweight patients on a full time basis?
Dr. Johnson’s medical practice focuses on the obese patient and related medical conditions. Over seventy percent of our patients have other medical conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, thyroid disorders, or degenerative joint disease. We see increasingly more children and adolescents in our practice as the incidence of obesity has risen sharply in these two groups. We offer specialized programs for children and adolescents.
- Is it difficult to get a straight answer as to how much the program will actually cost?
If you answer yes to this question, run. Do not walk, run from such a program. Many programs are run by individuals who want to sell you food, clothing, scales, note pads, drinks, bars, solutions, and supplements. We tell you all costs up front and we have no long term sales, contracts, or hidden costs.
- Does the physician or staff member make you feel like you are getting a “sales pitch”?
Many new weight loss facilities base employee salary on the amount of money you spend. At Dr. Johnson’s office you will never feel as if you are dealing with a sales person. Feel free to speak with the doctor directly.
- Has the physician or clinic ever prescribed any medications that were taken off the market, I.E. Phen-Fen, Redux, Pondamin, Fenfluramine, or, Dexfenfluaramine?
Dr. Johnson has never prescribed any medication that was subsequently taken off the market. Dr. Johnson has been practicing Bariatics since 1997, and witnessed the popularity of these medications. He recognized the dangers of these medications after reviewing the literature in the early 90’s. He stayed true to course and NEVER prescribed them to any of his patients.
- Is the treating physician himself or herself obese?
A physician who cannot or will not control their own weight does not have the credibility to aid you in your weight loss efforts.